HPM Insurance Blog

5 Ways Working With an Independent Insurance Agent Can Save You Money

Written by April Weismann | Jun 9, 2020 3:21:56 PM

Independent insurance agents are highly trained and licensed professionals not connected to any one insurer. Both of these qualities make independent agents, like those of HPM Insurance, in New Hampshire well-positioned to help you save money when purchasing insurance. They can help you save money in at least five different ways.

Why You Can Save Money by Working With an Independent Insurance Agent

1. Save Time with a Free Customer Service Representative

While much of what an insurance agent does can be done on your own, it would take you an excessive amount of time to research the coverage and pricing options of the dozens of insurance companies represented within New Hampshire.  Add this factor with trying to understand and keep up with the various policy forms, terms, and endorsements and, you would need to invest a lot of time. And like anything, things change.  The insurance company that wants to grow in the state may cut pricing one year, only to experience more losses than expected and raise rates the next.  In some cases, it might not be too much of an exaggeration to say premiums could change by the time you sort all of the details out.

An insurance agent not only does all of this research for you, but they’re also able to do it much quicker than you could. This is one place where their professional expertise and tools are beneficial.

Whether you’re shopping for a personal or a business insurance policy, the time you save by working with an independent agent is time you can spend doing something else. 

2. Find the Best Premiums by Comparing Competing Offers

An independent insurance agent is uniquely positioned to help you find the best premiums for the insurance policies that you need. This is one space where working with an independent agent is distinct from purchasing directly with an insurer or through a captive agent.

Both direct insurance companies, like Geico, and captive agents, like State Farm, will normally show you policy options from only one insurer. Companies naturally tend to favor their policies, and captive agents have a special relationship with a single insurance company that makes them more likely to recommend that company. Some captive agents might even be prohibited from recommending competing company’s policies.

Independent insurance agents, in contrast, have the flexibility and freedom to show clients policies from any of the companies they represent.  HPM represents some 30 companies and receives the latest updates from each. Because of their position in the industry, an independent agent has the true motivation to help you get the most cost-effective coverage and provide superior customer service so that you continue to work with them.

3. Receive Help Selecting the Best Insurer for Your Situation

An independent insurance agent will know what insurers to recommend if you have specialized coverage needs.

Some insurers focus on specific industries or are particularly cost-effective in certain situations, and an experienced independent agent will know when to recommend these companies. Without an independent agent’s expertise and freedom, you’d likely miss out on such specialized recommendations.

At HPM Insurance, we work with some 30 different insurers who offer policies in New Hampshire. One of the reasons why we work with so many insurers is so that we can recommend specific companies when our clients have specialized needs.

4. Get Help with the Grey Areas

Experienced independent insurance agents develop relationships with insurers throughout their careers. These relationships may help settle a claim that’s in a grey area. 

This is not to imply that working with an independent agent will get a claim covered that would not otherwise be, as all claims are settled based on the terms and conditions of the policy itself.  That said, sometimes, an agent can assist in ensuring the company has all the facts and advocate on your behalf if not a clear-cut case. 

5. Review Policies for Unusual Premium Increases

Finally, independent insurance agents review their clients’ policies on a regular basis to check for unexpected and unusual premium increases. With a periodic review when your policy renews, an agent can help ensure your premiums remain competitive.  

It is not uncommon for HPM Insurance agents to reach out to their clients and suggest moving to a different company or suggest ways to save money.

Find an Independent Insurance Agent in New Hampshire

To speak with an independent insurance agent in New Hampshire, contact us at HPM Insurance. Our agents have helped many people and businesses in the state, and we offer all of these benefits that you can expect from an independent agent.