How Long Does an Accident or Violation Impact My NH Car Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 06/27/2024 05:24 PM in Car Insurance,. save money.

It is not a secret that moving violations and accidents impact what is paid for NH car insurance, but how much and for how long? Though insurance companies can have various guidelines, here are some basic facts to remember.

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What is Force-Placed Homeowner's Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 05/28/2024 01:23 PM in Homeowners Insurance,. save money.

As insurance pricing increases, you may be tempted to go without NH homeowner's insurance. From an insurance professional, this is obviously not advised because of the risk of significant financial loss and because you will likely end up paying much...

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What You Should Know about At-Fault Accidents in NH

Written by April Weismann on 04/17/2024 12:17 PM in Car Insurance,. Claim Information.

New Hampshire is an at-fault state, which means drivers found to have caused an accident are financially responsible for compensating the other party for damages. Because of this, how fault is determined is extremely important. Here’s a general...

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When is the Best Time to Buy Life Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 03/18/2024 05:06 PM in Business Insurance,. Personal Insurance,. Claim Information.

Life insurance for NH residents is a critical component of any personal financial plan to secure the economic security of loved ones when the insured passes away.

Though no one likes to think about death, it is wise to reevaluate your life...

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How to Insure an Engagement Ring

Written by April Weismann on 02/14/2024 12:39 PM in Personal Insurance,. Jewelry Insurance.

Congratulations! You decided to get engaged, buy a ring, and make a plan. But does your plan include insuring the ring you spent money on? Though insurance can be an afterthought, the money you spend is not. Make sure you add insuring the ring into...

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What Should I Do If I Can't Afford My NH Homeowners Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 01/24/2024 01:46 PM in Homeowners Insurance,. save money.

Homeowners insurance is essential in protecting one of your most significant assets, but paying the premium when times are tough can strain your budget. If you’re facing a homeowner's premium bill you can’t afford, here’s some advice.

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Chimney Fire Prevention Tips for NH Homeowners

Written by April Weismann on 01/03/2024 10:48 AM in Home Insurance,. Safety Tips.

Whether for ambiance or heat, both fireplaces and wood stoves are great during New Hampshire’s cold winters. They aren’t without risks, though, with the most significant being a chimney fire. Luckily, chimney fires are preventable as long as you...

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Should My Teen Driver Be On a Separate Car Insurance Policy?

Written by April Weismann on 12/12/2023 05:24 PM in Auto Insurance.

Deciding how to insure a teen driver can have both financial and legal implications, so it's important to understand what is at stake. Whether they should be insured on their own policy or yours, is situationally specific, but there are some...

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Does My Car Insurance Cover Me if I Hit a Deer?

Written by April Weismann on 11/21/2023 05:24 PM in Auto Insurance.

Hitting a deer is a risk that every driver, especially in New Hampshire, must consider. It is an experience that is unpredictable, terrifying, and expensive if you don't have the proper insurance. Here is what you need to know regarding hitting a...

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Be Careful if Changing Your NH Home Insurance Company

Written by April Weismann on 10/18/2023 01:30 PM in Homeowners Insurance.

As residents in New Hampshire and across the country feel the financial pain of rising costs, many are searching for ways to save money. This has increased the number of people considering switching home insurance companies in hopes of obtaining...

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