Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Flooding?

Written by April Weismann on 03/09/2022 01:07 PM in Homeowners Insurance.

Homeowners insurance provides many essential protections for residents who have houses in New Hampshire. But unfortunately, flood insurance coverage isn’t one of those protections.

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Why Should Landlords Require Tenants to Have Renters Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 02/09/2022 02:52 PM in Landlord Insurance.

Renters insurance can protect a tenant's financial well-being in a covered claim, but renters insurance can also benefit landlords. This win-win is why it is advised that landlords require their tenants to have renters insurance. Need convincing?...

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What Can Employers Do to Attract and Keep Employees?

The current labor market is creating multiple hiring challenges for employers in New Hampshire and around the US. If you need to add personnel, here are some of the most effective ways to attract and keep employees.

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HPM Insurance Acquires Elliot Insurance Agency

Written by April Weismann on 12/27/2021 03:38 PM in Agency News.

HPM Insurance is pleased to announce the acquisition of Elliot Insurance of Goffstown, NH. Elliot Insurance Agency has met the community's personal and commercial insurance needs since it first opened more than 50 years ago in downtown Goffstown.

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HPM Insurance Expands Team

Written by April Weismann on 11/29/2021 01:20 PM in Agency News,. Personal Insurance.

HPM Insurance is pleased to announce the recent hires of Kaitlyn Haines and Donna McLelland to the personal insurance team.

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What Does Pay-As-You-Go Mean for Workers Comp Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 11/16/2021 10:58 AM in Business Insurance,. Workers Compensation Insurance.

New Hampshire is one of many states that allow insurance companies to set up pay-as-you-go billing systems for workers comp insurance policies. For many small businesses, this type of arrangement offers multiple advantages.

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Can I Get NH Homeowners Insurance If My Home is in an LLC or Trust?

Written by April Weismann on 09/30/2021 09:36 AM in Homeowners Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

With lawsuits and settlements increasing and tax laws regularly changing, some homeowners may look for ways to protect personal assets by placing their home in either a limited liability corporation (LLC) or a trust.  When this happens, the legal...

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Does Renters Insurance Cover Theft?

Written by April Weismann on 09/10/2021 10:30 AM in Personal Insurance.

Renters insurance is primarily purchased to protect belongings, and theft is a significant risk, but is it covered? Here’s a look at how a New Hampshire renter’s policy may respond to a theft claim.

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NH Insurance Guide to Hurricane Henri

New Hampshire is in the throws of battening down the hatches for the possibility of Hurricane Henri causing damage to NH properties. As nearly 30 years have passed since the last hurricane hit New England, here are some tips on what you should do...

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Do I Need Jetski Insurance in NH?

Written by April Weismann on 07/29/2021 01:37 PM in Boat Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

NH is the Live Free or Die state, so like car insurance, jet ski insurance is not required by law. That said, to protect yourself, your passengers, your jet ski, and any potential damage or injury you cause while on your jet ski, insurance is...

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