How Long Does an Accident or Violation Impact My NH Car Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 06/27/2024 05:24 PM in Car Insurance,. save money.

It is not a secret that moving violations and accidents impact what is paid for NH car insurance, but how much and for how long? Though insurance companies can have various guidelines, here are some basic facts to remember.

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What You Should Know about At-Fault Accidents in NH

Written by April Weismann on 04/17/2024 12:17 PM in Car Insurance,. Claim Information.

New Hampshire is an at-fault state, which means drivers found to have caused an accident are financially responsible for compensating the other party for damages. Because of this, how fault is determined is extremely important. Here’s a general...

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10 Financial Tips to Consider Regarding Your NH Homeowners and Car Insurance

Written by April Weismann on 07/13/2022 12:19 PM in Homeowners Insurance,. Car Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

It is always a good idea to ensure you are not wasting money, especially during challenging economic times. As insurance is a necessity and a significant part of any household budget, check out these 10 tips on saving money on NH home and auto...

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Why Did Vehicle Fatalities Increase by 24% in 2020?

Written by April Weismann on 03/19/2021 03:41 PM in Car Insurance,. Safety Tips.

2020 was a year like no other in many respects, including the number of lives lost due to vehicle accidents. Though it may seem counterintuitive with fewer people on the roads, here are some of the reason why:

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Does My Child Need Their Own Car Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 03/11/2020 10:46 AM in Car Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

Many parents dread the day when their child drives off without them.  This dread comes from your child taking a big step towards independence, as well as what you know is inevitably coming - a hike in your car insurance premium. One of the most...

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How Does Full Glass Coverage Work With My NH Car Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 02/06/2020 10:52 AM in Car Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

Full glass coverage is an option that some car insurance companies offer, but what is it, and is it worth it?  Check out the HPM Insurance blog to find out.

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What is the Difference Between Comprehensive and Collision Coverage?

Written by April Weismann on 01/15/2020 11:03 AM in Car Insurance,. Commercial Auto Insurance,. Property Insurance.

Comprehensive coverage and collision coverage are two distinct car insurance protections that generally protect the vehicle itself. Exactly how differs, so its important you understand what each provides so you can pick the coverage and deductible...

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Does the Color of My Car Affect My Insurance Rates?

Written by April Weismann on 01/02/2020 05:16 PM in Car Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

Insurance companies look at many different factors when setting premiums for car insurance.  However, the color of your car isn’t usually a factor. Here’s a look at what actually influences New Hampshire drivers’ premiums.

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Does My NH Car Insurance Go Up If I Make a Claim?

Written by April Weismann on 10/09/2019 11:35 AM in Car Insurance.

Insurance companies base NH car insurance premiums on many factors, but a driver’s claims history is among the top issues considered. As a result, your policy’s premiums may increase when you file a claim. Here’s when your rates are most likely to...

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What is Loan/Lease Gap Insurance?

Written by April Weismann on 05/31/2019 11:57 AM in Car Insurance,. Commercial Auto Insurance,. Personal Insurance.

Whether you buy or lease, it is a very exciting to have a new vehicle. However, as most people know, the moment the vehicle leaves the dealership, it depreciates in value. What does this mean should you be involved in a serious accident soon after...

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