You may feel protected from any situation if you have home and auto insurance. However, when it comes to liability that can come into play if personally sued, it is more unpredictable. Medical expenses add up quickly, and no pre-determined value...
Grilling Safety Tips
Do I Have Coverage for My Home Business on my NH Homeowner's Insurance?
If you run a business out of your house, like a growing number of people in New Hampshire, you may think you don’t need a commercial policy. After all, you have
How to Have a Safe & Profitable Yard Sale
A yard sale sounds like a great idea. You can get rid of clutter, “go green” and make a little money. But before you start hanging signs throughout the neighborhood, be prepared. There are several issues that you should consider to ensure your sale...
Read MoreHow Do NH Insurance Companies Use Credit Information?
It can come as a surprise to many consumers that credit is a factor used by insurance companies when rating home or auto insurance in New Hampshire. Here is some information to understand how it is used, why and what rights you have regarding your...
Read MoreHow Your Graduate Impacts Your NH Car Insurance Policy
Congratulations! You sat through school concerts, cheered along the sidelines, and fretted over homework alongside your child, all to enjoy the day when they receive their diploma. That day has finally arrived, and now it's time to celebrate.
Read MoreHow Much Coverage Do I Need on My NH Homeowners Insurance?
As your home is most likely your largest asset, you want to be sure it is covered adequately, but what is that magic number? Between the purchase price and replacement cost - how much coverage should you have on your homeowner's insurance policy?...
Read MoreWhat Does New Hampshire Umbrella Insurance Do?
Why Buy NH Motorcycle Insurance?
New Hampshire is the "Live Free or Die" state, with this free-spirited attitude evident on our open roads with the number of motorcycles cruising around. For motorcycle drivers in NH, riding is a scenic and enjoyable way to get around. However, the...
Read MoreBoat Insurance Basics for New Hampshire Boaters
Boating is not just a hobby, but a way of life for many boat enthusiasts. Whether sailing on the many lakes in New Hampshire or taking your motor boat into the open seas off the Seacoast, an unexpected accident could leave you high and dry. To...
Read MoreWill My NH Homeowners Insurance Pay if a Tree Falls in My Yard?
As winds whip throughout New Hampshire, it can take down large trees and branches causing quite a bit of damage to property. At HPM Insurance we field lots of calls on this topic so felt it worthy of a blog. Here are some of the more common...
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